Monday, November 29, 2010


Recently the kids (well, they're grown but will always be "The Kids") visited during the Thanksgiving weekend. We had occasion to enjoy an unusually balmy day sitting on the deck, enjoying conversation surrounded by my dogs. Several photos of Boris (my eldest dog) were taken, along with the rest of the family. Interestingly, a number of the photos of Boris had a blue orb which showed up only in his photos. No one else had blue orbs -- or any orbs for that matter. There was no dust on the camera lens, and no light leak or reflection. And just Boris had an orb. The rest of us were orb-less.

I have looked up "blue orbs" on the Internet (yes, of course, the apotheosis and repository of absolute Truth) and have discovered blue orbs to mean: " ... an indication of angels being around you, especially Archangel Michael as he resonates with the color blue." I also discovered different colors of blue mean different things: light blue means tranquility and pilot light blue means shielding. (Who in heck knows what 'pilot light blue' is. And who knows who decided what colors mean what?)

Of course, there is no science to this. But it's interesting.

In reading about the Archangel Michael, I discovered he's mentioned in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic texts. (Who knew?) And considered, among other things, to be the "field commander of the Army of God." (Thank you Wikipedia.) (OK, is it just me or does the idea of God having an Army sound just way too bizarre, nasty, and hateful? Must be the God of the Old Testament, that vengeful, spiteful, very human-like God, since we 'know' the God of the New Testament is a loving God. Not sure how Archangel Michael ranks in the Islamic text.)

Later (again in Wikipedia) I learn the name Mike (if he's visiting my dog, we're on a first name basis) "in Hebrew ... means 'who is like God' [by the way, that's a question, Christian friends, not a statement], which in Talmudic tradition is interpreted as a rhetorical question: "Who is like God?" (which expects an answer in the negative) to imply that no one is like God. In this way, Michael is seen as a symbol of humility before God." I like this explanation much better. My dogs would certainly be humble before God, if there is one. After all, dogs are named after God, only backwards.

I'm not sure how to interpret the presence of an orb that means both tranquility and shielding, but I like to think my dog will have both as he moves through his later years. Nor am I sure what the presence of these orbs means to my aging dog. Are they the spirit one of my other dogs? Tasha, perhaps, my beautiful German Shepherd who was Queen of the house, or maybe Linga, whom Boris loved without measure.

I just think it's interesting that my dog had blue orbs when no one else did. Are they dust motes? Let's not spoil it and say they are. Let's just enjoy the fact that my boy Boris is unique and the Universe recognizes this uniqueness and sent him some angelic blue orbs to bring him tranquility in his old age.

I wouldn't mind a blue orb myself, thank you.